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Revainrating 5 out of 5

Just super, the product is made wonderfully, very satisfied.

In addition to selling me the phone, they also sold me an original transparent case. Although it was ridiculously expensive, believe me when I say that it is worth every penny. The original cover will keep your phone alive, because it is strong, and at the same time it does not obscure the major feature of this phone from your eyes and the eyes of outsiders, namely its bright appearance. In general, the phone is sturdy, easy to operate, and imparts an impression of dependability and tenacity…

  • In contrast to the refined nature of the Xs model, this phone has a very robust construction; when held in the hand, it gives the impression of something very heavy, powerful, and important. At the same time, the telephone is lovely; in my instance, it has a crimson finish, which, when set against a backdrop of either black or white glass bars, appears to be very appealing and advantageous. You find yourself wanting to run your fingers over this dazzling bar made of icy glass and aluminum over and over again. The battery life is satisfactory, the condition of the battery has remained at 100% after being used for six months, and a full charge will last from the morning until late into the night. Both the rear and front cameras produce outstanding images, with the front camera's portrait mode producing particularly impressive selfies. The primary camera is a single lens, therefore if you haven't used a phone that has dual or triple cameras in the past, then this phone will be the ideal option for you if you only need a camera with a single lens. Sounds in stereo. When it is present, it adds a pleasant touch. Regardless of what anyone says, the screen has a high level of quality. The IPS matrix, in my opinion, is more pleasing than the AMOLED matrix, despite the fact that the AMOLED matrix has a natural black color. At the same time, the color transmission on this phone is tower, meaning that black appears as black, white does not appear as pink and does not appear as blue from big angles. You don't need to worry about the bangs or frames around the screen, which everyone criticizes for being too thick in compared to Xs; these times will not in any way negatively impact your life. There is no doubt whatsoever regarding important aspects such as performance and easy operation. The iOS operating system is without a doubt the crown jewel of any Apple product, and I don't think it's necessary for me to explain why. The user of the phone has the option of waiting for the manufacturer to provide long-term support in the form of ate updates and other features.
  • The cost is prohibitive, and the price of the phone has not decreased in the intervening two years since it first became available for purchase. Although it is equally as slippery as steel, aluminum is a good material to employ for making a frame since it does not collect fingerprints or grease to the same extent as steel does. And the traces of use of the phone will be so clearly evident on the rear glass that there will be a frantic desire to wipe it off. Any case that is see-through will do the trick. The charger that comes with the product is insufficient for a battery of this size. If you want to charge your phone more quickly, you can use the more powerful charger that comes with the iPad, but if you want to charge it overnight, it is sufficient. It is possible for artifacts to arise because the artificial intelligence that is in charge of the portrait mode on the primary camera only sees faces. Occasionally the 3.5 connector is completely absent, however because I use wireless headphones, this is not a problem for me because it is a moment that is somewhat unimportant to me. And most crucially, the phone is both thick and heavy; if you are not accustomed to its weight and thickness, using the phone would feel awkward.

On October 20, I bought the whole set. I continue to use it and am happy overall. There are absolutely no complaints about the software because gaming performance is at the expected level. After weighing him against 11, I ultimately chose to utilize the XR because it was less expensive and I hardly ever shot at night. The most favorable price-quality ratio in 2022. I urge anyone considering an Apple product to get it.

  • Design. Who cares, but these "bangs" are cool. The symmetry of the body parts, one camera that does not stick out much, and my favorite profile switch on the left—the power button, which is simple to grope blindly—are all present. a facial ID. Sure, the mastic mode makes it less convenient, but after that, I don't want to use the fingerprint scanner at all. Sound. really loud stereo of high quality. It sounds good in headphones, too. And if you use beats or AirPods, then it's generally excellent: loud, stable, not overly "dirty". Screen. Best Diagonal. Generally, True Tone makes decisions. Vibration. Whether you like it or not, iPhones vibrate the best. Whether they've called you, sent you an SMS, or just clicked a button, all of these events are accompanied by a satisfying tactile sensation. Camera. This has both benefits and drawbacks. Throughout the day, it captures images well, including macro and portraiture. Battery. If I take into consideration active use, I have enough for a day between 7 am and 11 pm.
  • Camera. lacks night mode and over-width. Picture frames. Certainly, this is not an olede, and shrinking them would have been quite difficult. On the other hand, unlike the majority of Android smartphones, they are symmetrical.

I correctly selected it using an ips matrix. Prior to that, there was a Samsung S6 with a terrible amoled screen; after reading for a while, my head began to hurt. After 2 years of use (I got a new official one), the screen started to burn out a little. I won't purchase Samsung once more! Returning to the iPhone, I'm happy with this model! has some benefits fantastic screen Batteries is fantastic! I don't recall the iPhone lasting two days without recharging and still having 10% left by…

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Great quality, did not expect at all for the price.

I spent a considerable amount of time on Android, but I've recently made the switch. It did not take very long for me to become accustomed to it. There are still some things on Android that are superior, but others are not. One of the things that makes this situation particularly gratifying is that there is not a consistent shifting back and forth between different points of view. Google is continually expanding and contracting its range of services and operations. After using it for a year, I…

  • iOS is a pretty significant criterion to take into consideration. You will just have to learn to live with certain aspects of it, that much is for sure. Working with files is the first step in this process. There is a documents program, and it does fix a portion of this problem; but, it does not solve it entirely. Managing linkages within applications and programs. improved, but far from being flawless. Furthermore, the ability to move quickly. I completely failed to remember about the delays. When paired with a MacBook, you don't need to be concerned about the location of everything, which results in the creation of a kind of unified area. There is some software that cannot be replicated on an Android device. If you are not wearing a mask, using Faceid is a very convenient option.
  • I can't say that it fell short of my expectations in any way. The battery stays put for twenty-four hours somewhere. On an Android device, it worked the same. The quality of the camera is also subpar. It does not have the power to zoom in. To make matters worse, there is now a persistent bug associated with the modem mode. It may be necessary to restart the device in order to enable it in some circumstances. Although not essential, it is rather unpleasant. The circumstance where the memory is filled with something referred to as "other" is likewise quite frustrating.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

The item is of good quality, there is only one minor defect.

Despite the store's price reduction, I was unimpressed by the phone. Instead, I recommend the Samsung S20; it's functionally identical to the iPhone, but it has a slew of extra features and a superior camera. The iPhone's battery life also surprised me; it used to last less time than it does now, but if you're set on an Apple device, don't change your mind.

  • Battery
  • Price

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Perfect purchase for me, exactly what I was looking for!

I had been trying to convince myself for a while that I should upgrade to a Xiaomi mi 8 smartphone. That was so close to becoming the case that it was almost comical. As a result, I was counting down the days until official phones hit store shelves. I knew the iPhone I was picking up was different from the one I had before. XR has superior shooting capabilities compared to the mi8. Incredibly, it's true. Concerning the Xiaomi fire, everything seems to be in order. The XR has a more pleasant…

  • Roaring Power Pack Camera that captures decent images Durable exterior coating
  • — potential cost

Revainrating 5 out of 5

One of the best offers, glad I bought it.

I purchased this new iPhone 7 Plus 128GB to replace the one I'd been using for the past 2.5 years. You can choose between the XR and the XS MAX. One of the most essential considerations for me is the length of time the battery will last, followed by the cost, the quality of the camera, and the processing speed. I read the reviews and then turned over the iPhone XR and the iPhone XS MAX in my hands. They alarmed me with the appalling quality and resolution of the XR display; however, when I put…

  • Big screen, and the user reports that working with it does not cause eye fatigue. Facial recognition software that works faultlessly I was surprised that it could be so user-friendly; I anticipated that there would be some challenges. I was able to get the hang of gesture control in a maximum of two hours, and even today, on my second phone (a Xiaomi), I will occasionally try to utilize gestures just out of habit. I have enough battery for a little over a day and a half. The internet, as well as the cell network and the wi-fi, all function normally. The camera is excellent, and I get the impression that it performs even better than it did on my previous iPhone 7+. The phone is lightning quick, and all of the programs run smoothly. The memory capacity is comparable to that of the iPhone XS MAX, which is reflected in the pricing, which is approximately 20,000 less.
  • The camera does not have an optical zoom (in comparison to the iPhone 7/8+ and the XS), and the device does not come with a wireless or fast charging option. For the year 2022, the price tag is still quite high. From up here, "Bangs" doesn't drive me crazy that much, but I guess I'll get accustomed to it eventually.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

The product is good, there are only a few minor flaws.

iPhone in its most basic form. Anyone needs a component of the Apple ecosystem that does not involve needless show-offy behavior is welcome to take it. Do not count on two to three days without charging, as many people write; yet, it will withstand a busy day in practically any situation without the need for an external power source. When compared to the iPhone 11, there is hardly any difference between the two models if you do not require additional camera settings or a wide-angle module of…

  • Charges rapidly but discharges at a glacial pace. At long last, somebody has produced a smartphone that can be utilized from early morning till late at night. I disconnect it from the charger around ten in the morning, and then I reconnect it at two in the morning with a 5% charge. Five and a half hours of screen time, an hour and a half of Internet distribution, and all instant messengers are both turned on and actively operating (100-200 messages each, 20-30 calls each). It was really frustrating because xs max may be reduced by 17 o'clock in the afternoon. By the time it was 19 o'clock, Samsung Laptop 9 had been shut down. This one is still going strong. In any other case, a standard iPhone, which includes the benefits of the ecosystem (macbook, watch, and iPad), in addition to a regular camera (photo, video). Consider getting a Xiaomi Mi9, T, or SE instead of an Apple product if you don't require a standard camera and there are no other Apple products available to you. In some respects, it is superior to the Apple product and costs half as much.
  • A little big. Since the release of the XS Max, the user experience and aesthetics have both declined. It is significantly more susceptible to scratches than the XS Max, so if you want to resell it in a year with a price loss of less than thirty percent, you should put a case on it.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

A really necessary purchase, glad I found this product.

There have been concerns about the screen resolution, which is actually indistinguishable to the human eye despite being on paper lower than the previous version or some of the competitors. There are many YouTube videos on this subject, so take a look. As a result, on 12/26/19, the device—which had been criticized at first for the figures on paper (screen resolution, etc.)—became the bestseller after more than six months.

  • - Build quality - Pictures (I'm not much of a photographer, but the pictures were noticeably better than the iPhone X, for example) - The pace of the work (this is what I have always appreciated the iPhone for, in this version, as always, everything works quickly and clearly, no brakes after several months of use, like, for example, Korean and Chinese competitors) - The ideal screen size—neither too little nor too big. No discomfort, convenient for a jeans pocket. - Price
  • not observed

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Everything in the purchase suits, a very necessary product.

The color is wasted, and there are no friends for the flavor. Very soon, everything else will seem like a distant memory. While Face ID is useful in many situations, it won't work if you're hiding your face. Wireless charging is great because I hated having to plug my phone in. The battery life is excellent, lasting up to two days without charging, and the bumper case is not a nuisance.

  • Apple
  • I'd like 256, but the price is too high, and I can't seem to locate it anywhere.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

I am very happy with this purchase, I will advise everyone!

It's definitely worth upgrading because of the camera. Ten clearly falls short. There is no issue with the screen's quality. There are no visible pixels. The hues are genuine. PWM is not used (physical education greetings to amoledams). The screen quality is incredible, although some of the fonts appear a little washed out. Since there is no 3D touch, it also didn't make much sense. The spacebar can also be used to move the pointer within the text. That makes it even more practical. The end…

  • The new iPhone is the biggest benefit. Just quick operation and familiarity with the Apple ecosystem. It's a burning camera! There are no miracles, and it occasionally fails in low light, but overall, there are noticeable improvements over the apples from the previous year in terms of color reproduction, autofocus precision, detail, etc. Compared to earlier iPhones, the camera is broader.
  • Wide bezels around the screen. You eventually cease noticing it, but a direct comparison with xs prompts you to think about it once more. For this size, fluffy. As swipes are different for 8+, you frequently misinterpret them. The choice of monobrow is contentious. The screen appears smaller than 8+ as a result. Added to The inconvenience of entering text in landscape mode is already present. There are one or two lines visible. When paying, Face ID is less convenient than Touch ID because you sometimes need to lean your face over the terminal in order for it to work. Regarding communication quality, there is a perception that the antenna actually performs worse than in 8+. lessens the stick. Despite the fact that there haven't yet been any communication gaps. Compared to 8+, the speakers' audio output is a little quieter.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Perfect product for any user!

Pros: After you use an Apple smartphone, you won't want to use any other brand again. I switched from a 5s to an XR, and everything seems to be the same but often better. Even after using the power bank constantly to listen to music and scroll through social media, I no longer recall it. Everything just flies without any brakes. And sure, there were multiple instances of spontaneous crashes; neither the screen nor the back window were damaged. The delight of use knows no bounds. with drawbacks.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Everything in the purchase suits, a very necessary product.

switched from iPhone X to iPhone XR People I have been using iPhones since the iPhone 3G, and I have never seen a worse X phone. if you select x or xr! Please feel free to take XR; there is no need to think because the system is incredibly superior. 1) The system is more responsive, less buggy, and quicker 2) In addition, the camera is improved and is easier to see, especially in low light 3) screen - there are pluses and minuses since it is not an oled screen like in the X. The pluses…

  • 1) Performance is superior to x and is readily apparent two. camera 3) Workday length
  • 1) heavy frames

Revainrating 5 out of 5

A valuable purchase, some advantages!

There is sufficient capacity for both my images and my music at 64 gigabytes, even if I don't store that much. Streaming services are something I make advantage of, and I upload all of my images to the cloud. There is occupancy in half of the storage space. While I am driving with Apple CarPlay, the battery is being charged in the car itself. a mere 6% of the battery's capacity is lost each year. The advantages of it include the following: Aliexpress was used for the purchase rather than 7+. It

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I like everything, the quality is good, the price is acceptable.

I just finished the 45k Eurotest and everything is perfect! The price tag is high, but it's well worth it. Toad strangled for $75,000. Long twirled in XS max hands. Whether to take x or xr is a question that will never be answered. There were both, and here's my best guess at an answer: Buying x was met with praise after the fact because it represented a major innovation, but at this point in time, I find greater excitement in upgrading to xr. There is at least one improvement in the camera…

  • The display is fine; there are plenty of debates, but it should be fine for regular use. Of course, it works better on the earlier models, but you can get by! Excellent and efficient camera; longest-lasting battery of any of its siblings (even the XS Max has a weaker charge retention); screen resolution that has a noticeable impact on usage time. Superb audio quality; ios makes everything easy and reliable. I have a cool body color, we're communicating well, and no secrets are being withheld.
  • While looking at the screen in its whole, I find that the black color suffers greatly in comparison to amoledam, despite the fact that the white color is accurate and not gray. Big and chunky in size; previously owned an iPhone X but threw it away in favor of an iPhone XR because, despite its smaller size, the XR felt heavier than the X. Apparently, costs were cut elsewhere, including the phone's casing and display. The shipping box is cheap, the headphones are mediocre, and there are no raisins included. Wireless headphones would be a nice addition.

Revainrating 4 out of 5

As such, there are no disadvantages, it is convenient to use.

First of all, I liked that I went from my iPhone 5 to this gadget because the difference is so evident. I'm not sure what precisely rose up in me, but they told me to pick an earlier, less expensive model—say, a 7 or 8—instead. However, what's done is done, even though I slightly regret it. I now use my iPhone, which makes me happy. First off, a person with a five has limited access to a lot of functions. After three months of use, a quick and nimble gadget that can handle PUBG easily processes

  • I use it for games because of the surprisingly lengthy charge time and the super-strong screen.
  • I took Xr in vain; I'll explain why below.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

I didnt expect the quality to be so high.

More than six months have passed since I first picked up the phone. All of its features are fully operational, including an exceptionally long battery life and stunning photo quality.

  • Everything from the camera to the overall performance to the variety of body colors to the battery life and beyond
  • Apart for the price, everything is excellent.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The quality is at the highest level, be sure to try it.

I enjoyed the look and feel of the design. There are moments when the operation time varies from 6S. enough quietly for a day of busy use.

  • camera, screen, memory, battery
  • none for your money

Revainrating 5 out of 5

It's the best purchase I ever made, I will definitely do it again.

A Xiaomi Redmi note 3 pro se suited me well for about three years before I finally upgraded to an iPhone. It was a strange shift from Android to IOS, but this iPhone model offers the most value for the money thanks to its wireless charging and water resistance. After using it for a month, I'll revise my opinion. 06/07/20: After a month of light use, the smartphone is still in perfect shape; a fully charged battery will last for two days even with a daily average of 4.5 hours of screen time…

  • (1) The experience of pleasant touches Quality Matrix 2 Third, the wireless charging is lightning fast 4. Superior efficiency Software that allows for extensive personalization Constructed with a shock- and water-proof case, number six Seventh, it has great Face ID, which can recognize a person's face even when there is no light.
  • One, the camera isn't as good as the one on the iPhone X, 112022pro, but it's not a dealbreaker.

Revainrating 5 out of 5

The best thing I've ever used, I recommend it to everyone!

Now in my household, there are five devices that are constantly in use: a 6S (which is 6 years old and whose battery was replaced a year ago); a 7Plus (which is 4 years old and whose charging control module was repaired six months ago, but the battery is still native); a 5SE (which was rebuilt six months ago); and actually two XR 128GB, one of which will soon turn 2 years old (the other is a year younger). In spite of the fact that some examples are quite old, they continue to function…

  • The battery life reserve is the most significant benefit that may be gained by using this device. Also, it is clever, maintains a contemporary design, and is able to take high-quality photographs with its camera during the hours of daylight.
  • Overweight. A capacious battery will cost you more money than a smaller one.