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6 Review
10 Karma

Review on Bitcoin Diamond by Alex jamaw

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Overall bitcoin diamond is the best cryptocurrency which transaction speed and…

Overall bitcoin diamond is the best cryptocurrency which transaction speed and fees is much better than bitcoin but team of bitcoin diamond is not active.


Updated 5 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 3
there are no major updates from Bitcoin Diamond but the value of BCD is very low from when i writen above review which is bad for project future.


  • bitcoin diamond is peer2peer cryptocurrency which is forked from bitcoin, bitcoin diamond team is also doing great work bitcoin daimond rank is also good in market, bitcoin diaomond is a 3rd sucessful fork of bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Diamond team is not very active and also it is not listed on any major exchanges. also there are no publicity is done by team of bitcoin diamond

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