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I was very sceptical about Revain, How serious they analysing the review and how the make thoroughly to make sure that the review is genuine and not plagiarism from other site. What I did is that I went to copy paste an article from other website and paste on review section. Then when I finished I post on section to check how they are processing the and analysing it, The first stage the bot went through the article and came up with result that my review was fine to post the I click to post itSee full review

Michael Mbwambo photo

Michael MbwamboM.

Novice Writer
1 Level
1 Review
1 Karma
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Michael is a photographer, visual storyteller, and creative entrepreneur devoted to inspiring the world to create their moments and create their life through Portrait, weddings, Editorial, Documentary photography and videography.

dar es salaam
Joined in November 17, 2021