Good quality material and stitching. The size is far from what they recommend or even advertise. I followed their size chart before placing my order. My daughter is 6 years old (bust 22" / waist 20"), according to her size chart she would fit in a size 3T-4T (number 120). The dress I received today is beautiful but it measures 24.5 inches in the waist, approximately 26 inches in the waist. chest and only reaches 31 in length. The seller's size chart states that the size should be 37 inches. Also, the size I received was number 110 instead of number 120. This makes me nervous about returning the dress for a larger size, well, the chest and waist should be much larger? Had the length been longer, even close to the 37 inches marked on the sizing chart, I probably would have been fine. But due to the cost of the dress and the sizing variation, I have a hard time not returning it. I also couldn't find a way to contact the seller to see if I could be exchanged.
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