My daughter fell in love with this outfit while shopping at Revain. We're usually a bit skeptical when it comes to ordering clothes online, but we read the reviews and took a chance. She likes it, the colors are nice, the material is nice. We bought the largest size and it fits her. She is 10 years old but in other children's clothes she is a size 14/16. The pants are a little tight at the bottom, but wide at the legs. The length and waist are perfect, the shirt fits perfectly. Now that we know the size and quality we will order other colors.
Радужное безрукавное сарафанчик для маленьких принцессок: одежда и платья для девочек
57 Review
Замковое феерическое праздничное платье для свадебных фей и девочек-подружек невесты.
54 Review
UNACOO 2 Упаковки Безрукавного Хлопкового Платья Детская Одежда.
62 Review
Линия платьев для первой Причастии 'Ivory' для девочек, одежда и платья
56 Review