Nowhere in the long product description is it mentioned that this trolley requires assembly. It doesn't usually matter much, but the assembly instructions don't match this car! Not even close! It's like a puzzle that turned out to be VERY difficult to solve. In fact, I suggest checking out the original ad to see what it might look like when finished. The diagram and BOM are not helpful at all. It says it's for a two-grip wagon, but it shows a one-grip block with completely different parts. So the instructions page doesn't match SAMI aside from mentioning the wrong parts list as well as parts diagrams that don't look like what's in the box at all! If you decide to take the challenge, allow at least an hour. Get ready with (2) 10mm, 12mm, and 13mm wrenches and a set of hex keys, I'm assuming they're metric. I can't tell you the size because I haven't been able to tighten the knobs yet, I don't have a size that's big enough and the head is on the bottom so you can't just pick it up with pliers or a key. . Until I find the right size it can't be tightened, PERIOD! When I can finally use it after the knobs are tightened, it REALLY feels pretty solid. But if your time is worth money, I suggest spending a little more and buying already assembled! If not, good luck!
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