Bought 1 about a year ago for personal use and works fine with little use. I decided to buy two more for work and both soldering irons broke down after 1 month of light use. They turn on and you can choose the temperature, but the screens flicker and the temperature jumps randomly. When soldering something larger than 24 gauge or a solder pad larger than 2mm, the soldering iron doesn't have time and accidentally shuts off. After turning off, even after a reset, sometimes it does not read the command prompt. I tried different nozzles as we have 3 for each iron, b02 the original that comes with the kit as well as the chisel tip. I liked the first one I got which has none of the issues listed above and is identical to the new ones we got as far as I can tell. Can't recommend them more as they are less reliable than $15 soldering irons. Will be updated when replacement is on the way. Edit 2/19/21 Support fixed the bad tip issues and fitted replacements and the soldering irons are working like my originals again