I've been riding my bike for a little over 2 months. I bought a new bike and got used to it. Swapped the seat for a more comfortable one. I bought cheap lined biker shorts from Wal-Mart (L-XL) and they looked ok. I was new to lined shorts so wanted to make sure everything looked good before buying online. I was happy with my pair so I figured if I went up a size at Wal-Mart the shorts might feel even better. No, so now I know my height and comfort level. I ordered Sportneer because of the great reviews. I usually ride 4-5 times a week, 10 miles, about 46 minutes. I ordered an XL to be on the safe side. I tried them on and they were weird/confusing. The waist seemed to have gotten lower than I was used to but stayed in place. My hips felt comfortable but the leg band was a bit tight but the soft area looked ok. I thought maybe I should have ordered 2 XL. I got on my bike and started pedaling and the saddle was perfect for the first few miles. I was more than satisfied. After the first few kilometers I noticed that I was slipping more and more in the saddle with these shorts on. It was more about maintaining my position in the saddle than having fun and exercise. I thought it was my imagination until the next day when I rode in my old shorts. I ordered 2 pairs of Sportneers but decided not to use the second one after my first trip knowing I would likely be sending it back. After washing them, I went for a walk for the next week. My forward glide has increased and my comfort in the saddle has decreased. The next day I went with my old shorts and had none of these issues. I'm afraid to go up a size as I already feel like I'm wearing a stuffed diaper, especially compared to my old pair. My old pair was only $4 more, but now I appreciate the extra money I spent. I wanted to try cheaper shorts before pushing the price range up. I understand you get what you pay for, I'm just confused about these shorts. Maybe I'm not the right size.
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