I got a nail stuck in my new run-flat tire. Changing a tire costs me $400. So I decided to invest in this pump to extend the life of my treadmill. Overall very happy with this purchase. I have to use it every few days. It's fast, super easy to use, and compact enough to tuck under the driver's seat of my van for easy access. It charges quickly and with heavy use I only need to charge it every few weeks. .You can change the pressure reading and it will stop automatically so I don't have to worry about my tire blowing out. The tire pump valve has a locking mechanism so you don't have to hold it, and the LED screen is bright and easy to read. This pump is very well designed and comes in handy many times. from the explosion of my children's pools and inflatable accessories. Bicycle tires fill up very quickly! Excellent investment and fully justifies its price! Highly recommended