Overall great value for money with features and quality you would normally find in a much more expensive helmet. It's not perfect but for me it's perfect at this price! I removed the visor and put it on as a general purpose road helmet so bear that in mind. Pros: - Very light - Looks great (received a lot of compliments) - It kinda suits my very awkward round head which is a refreshing surprise - Good ones Build Quality and Features - Quality screen, not the usual slightly scratched junk I bought the screen for another $40. It's pricey, but it's better quality than the regular $20. AGAINST is SUPER LOUD. The lightness is probably related to this, road noise comes from the wind pushing against the helmet material near the ears. DO NOT WEAR THIS HELMET WITHOUT HEARING PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY. You will damage your ears. At 40 km/h it actually starts, at 60 km/h it gets really loud. Some simple earplugs will solve the problem and I'm comfortable with that. I am not deducting points because this is an adventure helmet and is not designed for high speed riding. Again this is probably due to the lightness factor, this is a very light helmet and can be worn comfortably with ear buds. I would settle for a compromise between weight and noise any day. - The inside visor switch is in the typical position on the left side. where we mount our communication systems. I'm not sure where to install the new communications kit as my current system is not bi-directional. The quick release cheek pads are a good idea but I have found that they often come loose when trying to take the helmet off/on and I would have preferred snaps. The screws used to remove the screen are easily scratched. Therefore, be sure to use a plastic tool or cover the screwdriver with tape. I will repaint my screws. - The cheek pads are too tight for my chubby face - I break them but now I'm in a buck stance when riding. Edit: I cut a slit in the front of the covers and cut out enough foam to fit my face, it's comfortable now. The metal triangle in the helmet is silvery on the black helmet. WHY? Anyway I have little to say about the helmet, I really love this helmet for what it is and a big thank you to LS2 for releasing a solid product at a really affordable price for riders on a budget. A lot of thought went into this helmet, thanks LS2!
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