My toddler is 5 1/2 inches or 14 cm. His regular shoes from two different companies now fit him perfectly and are a size 8. I bought a 7 1/2 because that is his size. I would have ordered 8 just because they could be worn longer but there weren't an 8 in the color I needed. The shoes are really beautiful. Haven't used them yet but the rubber sole is very comfortable. They look the same size as his normal shoes and his toes seem to have room, but I can't say for his big toe because the rubber is so thick. I wish there were adult sizes because I would love to try on a pair as as a toddler I can't tell exactly how the shoe fits like you can. Edit: It's November and these shoes are just getting small. He's a solid 8 at the moment and his big toe is clearly tight, but these shoes have held up really well since Ai bought them in May. The velcro still works and the sole is not worn at all. Apart from the dirty appearance from constant wear, they look like new. I would like them to grow in large sizes with different colors / not always sold out because he needs 8-9 water boots right now and the only colors available are pink and yellow. These are great shoes for the price and for everyday use in the water.
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