I bought this bag to replace an outdated lightweight cable bag that came with a different brand of camera bag. When I bought this bag, I have to admit that I didn't pay close attention to the measurements and was hoping that it would run smaller. That being said I just finished the task of heading into town with all the spare cords lying around in my desk and this bag did the job perfectly and pretty much everything I had with a little room for a few additional "chances" kept. , such as USB drives, SD cards and other small adapters in a zippered pouch. Overall, the quality is absolutely excellent. The 2-way zip is easy to use and the stitching on the outside shows that it has stood the test of time. In terms of design, the interior makes sense and does a good job with strong elastic straps to keep things in place and also includes some mesh in certain areas to give you a better idea of how single spikes or SD -Cards look .fit. For the business traveler traveling with a book bag and a carry-on small enough to fit in the luggage compartment of even the smallest regional jets (mainly for North American travel), this is overkill in my opinion. for my use case. If they made something about 1/2 size that would be perfect, but I haven't come across it yet. However, I don't want to return it as I feel that for a 'family vacation' or a traveler who really needs just about every cord imaginable, it's the perfect way to organize them and ensure that you have everything life needs electronics charging quote. If you have kids, this is perfect for charging and syncing! Shorter version - would I buy again? Yes.
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