Received a black matte medium. I wear from Large to 2XL depending on my helmet and my oddly shaped head. After researching the Torc website and reading other reviews I settled on the sizing chart and it was a medium size. This helmet looks like it was made specifically for my head! Dense, but does not hit any pressure points. Soft lining and the most comfortable helmet I've ever had/worn! I like modular helmets because I usually feel claustrophobic with standard full faces. That full face offers plenty of room to breathe and feels open, so don't worry. I have seen in some reviews that the shield only locks in the down position but mine will lock in any position which is great for me as I always like to keep it cracked for some fresh air. The locking mechanism may not be as strong as in the fully lowered position, but for me the shield didn't give much when locked in either position. The shield is much stronger and thicker than any other helmet I've owned. Nothing about this helmet feels or looks cheap. My only uncertainties are the top vents. The inner protective layer prevents the air from going directly to the forehead, but the air seems to flow up and back rather than directly onto the forehead where the outer holes are. If I don't feel like I'm getting enough air, I'll probably make some small internal adjustment holes. UPDATE: took it out and definitely not getting enough air out of the top vents and sweaty forehead area! Only one minus, but adds holes from the inside. The helmet held up very well while riding and wasn't noisy at all. Before buying, I called everyone and tried to find a Bell Bullitt to try on before spending $500. They were all sold out so I took a chance on buying the Torc after watching the comparison videos of the two models. I have yet to try the Bullitt on but I have no regrets and don't want to buy Bell now because after physically holding and testing Torc I liked the features you get with Torc that you can't get with Bullitt. .This may be a Bullitt knockoff, but it matches the looks (brown leather is great), better airflow options (lockable) and locking mechanism. That's the security of a full-face helmet with the freedom of a 3/4 helmet. Exactly what I was looking for! I would highly recommend this helmet to anyone!
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