We ordered this dress for our daughter for the father daughter dance and she loved it. I was skeptical about ordering as I didn't know if it would fit. My daughter is almost 7 years old, but she is too small for her age (40 pounds, 44 inches tall). She has room to grow in this dress, but it's not big at all. The waist could be increased with a tie at the back, which helped accommodate her small waist. The length was perfect too. The dress only needed a fast iron to iron out a few wrinkles at the bottom of the dress. There was a small chain-like embellishment attached to the bow at the shoulder which wasn't secure and fell off the dress during the dance, but the dress and bow look great even without them and you can't even tell it's all missing. originally attached to the dress. As a side note, the dress arrived a day late because according to Amazon it seemed to have been sent to the wrong place for shipping or something. Revain was supposed to refund a small amount to give me a discount due to the shipping delay, but I never received the discounted refund. The shipping issue had nothing to do with the fit or appearance of the dress, so I did not include this issue in my rating/review of this dress. I would definitely order this dress again and recommend it to a friend - it looked beautiful!
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