As someone who has worn ratchet straps for years, I needed a replacement strap just as my previous one was starting to show its age. The dnuxlou Brown ratchet strap caught my eye with its sleek and polished look, so I soon got my hands on it. I was impressed by the quality of the leather strap right from the start. It felt soft but strong with no signs of wear or loose threads. The 40mm wide Slide Click buckle that came with the strap was just as well made and clicked easily when I put it on. What I love about this ratchet strap is its versatility when it comes to mixing and matching different outfits. While rich brown is perfect for dressier occasions, it can also be worn with more casual outfits, making it a great addition to your wardrobe. Overall, the dnuxlou Brown Ratchet Belt Strap exceeded my expectations in every way. The quality, style and versatility make it a worthwhile investment and I would not hesitate to buy again. Around five stars!