I really like this helmet. I've had a one-piece full face helmet for over 30 years, but I've always wanted a modular helmet. When I read that this also has a built in sun visor I decided to give it a try. I measured my head and got 59.75cm so I bought 59-60 (large). It was too tight so I reset it to 61-62 (x-large) cm. It fits better around the head and temples but is still a bit tight on the cheeks but not uncomfortable. These helmets are for an oval head (I think) but mine is closer to a round one. I almost went with 2x but you don't want the helmet hanging on your head. Although it seems a bit louder than my old Bell, it does seem to let in the sound of cars approaching from behind. It confused me at first, but you get used to it. I have a one-piece windshield, so wind noise is almost inaudible. If you drive without a windshield, you may not be able to hear approaching cars. In any case, don't rely on them when making lane-changing decisions. I've used the helmet a few times at 50 F and it was warm. You don't get much airflow through the vents, but like I said, I drive with a windshield.
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