Nice helmet. Probably the softest and most comfortable I've ever bought, I have 4 helmets now. I deducted a star for three reasons that I consider invalid at this point. 1) It's quite noisy compared to other helmets, but not terribly bad as I was expecting an increase in noise levels given the way it's constructed. 2) It's a bit heavier than I expected, may need a pair of socks to get used to. 3) it doesn't deflect or handle the wind best, it's essentially a bowling ball with not very good aerodynamics but that's to be expected with a retro style. I also have pluses, not everything is so bad! I like the field of view, it's huge. I also like the material and build quality, it looks and feels like a $600 helmet. Plus it fits so well, it's not too tight and not too loose, it soothes and cradles your head! Overall a great helmet. Just a few things to get used to. Update: I unfortunately had an accident on the Autobahn with my Harley, but luckily I was wearing this helmet. Long story short I crashed into a stopped car on the Autobahn at 80km/h, this helmet protected my head and face amazingly well, I had no bruises on my face or head and I felt really confident and safe , when the accident happened and after . how comfortable and protective this helmet was for me. And the shell held up amazingly well and the cushioning was perfect. I would recommend this to anyone, now it's tested and true for me in the real world.
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