My 6 year old daughter loves them. She needed something for school ASAP and it was a perfect fit. She wears a size 13 in most shoes and they fit well with little room on her toes. We were able to tighten the velcro and they fit perfectly without slipping as they heal. It's tough on shoes, so let's look at durability. We are in our third week and so far so good. There are 2 things that don't bother me too much. First, the fabric or mesh material that the shoes are made of gets dirty easily and very quickly. I know my daughter is hard on shoes but due to COVID they had no change and her shoes became very dark with mud in less than a week. (Who knows what she actually did with them at school.) I'll try washing and air drying them to see if they don't deteriorate a bit. The second is the sole of the shoe. This is a durable foam material. I love how light they are, but I won't let her ride in them on her bike as I'm afraid they'll tear the foam soles of the shoes up in the blink of an eye if she drags them across the concrete while riding instead of actually. Rubber soles are heavier but more durable. Overall I'm VERY happy with the shoes so far. Definitely going to buy more depending on how well they hold up.
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