I purchased this item and thought I received a defective item. So I ordered a replacement. But no! It can't inflate my road bike tires to 105 or 110 psi. Not even close. It runs for a few seconds and shows an error ("Err" on the display). I also have a video where I follow the exact steps shown in the videos on the company website. I charge the device, connect one end of the tube to the device, the other end to the wheel (using a Presta valve adapter) and close it. Then I start the unit and it runs for a few seconds and either blows the seal or displays an error. Perhaps it's reached its limits in cars or mountain bikes - they require far less pressure per square inch. But for road bike tire inflation it was a total disappointment and a waste of time. I've seen good things about them here, but I've also seen really bad things about road bike owners. Sellers should clarify whether this actually works for racing bikes. I am attaching a photo, the video is too big to upload here, but I am happy to send it to the seller upon request.