Installed on a Hoover Elite UH781012. When the original derailleur broke I took it apart and found that the roller ball had detached from the end of the inner plastic sleeve holding the spring and ball so I taped the roller ball to the spring to get it in place and to reach the tiny inner rocker arm. Mixed success. Without rolling, the repaired rear derailleur shifted very hard, so the decision was made to replace it entirely. Replacing this switch with this one was very easy - be careful when removing the connectors - be sure to press the tiny release buttons right inside the slide connectors or you could damage the wiring. I did notice that the outermost retaining flange was slightly smaller than the original, but that made no difference as the switch body diameter is exactly the same as the original and the location hole is the same size to fit perfectly. Not a difficult task, you just need lots of screws to disassemble the vacuum cleaner support tower to access the remove switch.