I advise you to reduce the brightness of the gamepad indicator and the speaker sound in the system settings to a minimum, and it will work for you for 1.5 - 2 hours longer, I lasted 6-7 hours of continuous play. With a subscription, you can buy games at a good discount and even download for free. Always useful on the farm! Got pros: Very comfortable sticks, it is much more convenient to shoot - for me the gamepad is perfect. Drive faster. Next gen, the power of the set-top box, the interface is thoughtful and fast. Beautiful, small =) You can connect any headset (headphones) to the gamepad via 3.5 (as well as to the bluetooth headphones) With its cons. Rare subsecond FPS drops in GTA 5 while driving fast through traffic jams in the city =) The download speed from PSN is noticeably slower than expected. Very addictive =)