Good, looks cool and has bluetooth. Okay, let me tell you that looks aren't everything. The helmet is light. cool how the front end rises. The built in shadow visor is cool. garbage belt. Give me an OLD SCHOOL guy anytime about this cheap plastic junk. The helmet is a bit small. I got a large one and although it fits, it doesn't fit very well. seems short and not wide enough around the ears. it feels like the tips of my ears are down. and I can't get my helmet off low enough to free her. now for BLUETOOTH. complete garbage. sure it works. FM radio works. You don't hear it while driving, but it works. I connected bluetooth with no issues, it sounded great when sat at my desk. I put the helmet on, turned on bluetooth, turned on the phone to play music via bluetooth. got on my bike. Everything was fine until I accelerated to 30 km/h. The wind inside the helmet was so loud it drowned out the music. I could still hear some. at about 60 miles an hour all the sounds of the music died away. there is NO WAY I could use it. Waist full of money, but if all that wasn't enough. I found the exact same helmet on eBay for $82. just like that. Talk about grabbing the lube and bending over.
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