This is one of the best things I have ever bought. Seat belts always cut my neck and this little device is perfect for rerouting them. It's smaller than it looks in the picture. He's not pushy at all and just puts the straps on. You can wiggle it back and forth to position it in the right place and you'll have to do this every time you get in the car as it moves a bit when you buckle and unbuckle it, but it is very easy to slip and once you get behind the wheel it stays where you put it. It's soft so it won't hurt your stomach or thigh bones, and since I put it on I haven't had to take it off. It just stays on the straps when you get out of the car and hangs great on the straps. It doesn't bother me. The velcro is very thin but holds up. If you need one of these for multiple vehicles or belts I would only choose one for each vehicle or belt so you don't have to remove and reinstall at the risk of the Velcro losing its grip. LOVE THIS ARTICLE!
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