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Review on NEM by Syed Adnan

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Grateful to this newbie in the town of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. This is…

Grateful to this newbie in the town of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. This is actually helping the developers reach a consensus backed by Proof of Importance. Here, the nodes don’t sound like an overly expensive machine, which will further consume a lot of energy. This is especially because it’s one part functions self-sufficiently on the portfolio. This apart, the platform has some already stated APIs, which NEM blockchain can easily use to secure the network without having to download an entire string of access blocks.

Updated 3 years ago
Rating changed from 4 to 5
Right off the bat, I need to say, XEM and XYM are 2 different coins, 2 blockchains, 1 ecosystem. One doesn't influence the other. The fact of the matter is, there are a few questions about it.
Given NEM's special position in the crypto markets, it's difficult to envision anything besides accomplishment for this platform. For the present, NEM shares the best position in the crypto market as one of the head platforms accessible.
It handles an assortment of issues at present tormenting the crypto market. One of the central missions for this platform is to expand interoperability between private blockchain networks.
Generally, It was worked from the beginning in light of the requirements of enormous organizations. Symbol launch is on March 15th I think it will go up a bit after it is launched. I don't see any weakness in it in the future, only to see how everyone accepts it after the launch of Symbol.

  • This is a cryptocurrency as well as a revolutionary platform that is targeting to further the blockchain usage in crypto markets. Unlike many coins, or altcoins, this has its very own source code. Introducing a lot features and valuable technological support to blockchain community, this is simply taking cryptocurrency usage and values to a new height.
  • XEM is mined under a superior security known as EigenTrust++, means for node reputation. EigenTrust++ is surprisingly not used by any other cryptocurrency platform, even including Bitcoin and Ethereum. EigenTrust++ empowers the security measures for the network significantly. Well, that’s not all, this as well comes to use native spam security that blackouts all the spammers and mere the spammers, while the system comes at full volume.

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