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BitYard review competition with generous prizes has already started!

BitYard review competition with generous prizes has already started!

🔥 BitYard & Revain can't stay away! A new competition with generous prizes has already started!


How to take part in the competition and compete for a prize? Read the rules below carefully, we'll explain everything 😉

- Check out the latest BitYard updates and features.
- Write a review (or update your review) about BitYard 
(https://www.bityard.com) on the Revain platform. 
You should write a review here: https://revain.org/exchanges/bityard. 
- We look forward to interesting and useful reviews! After all, we have to choose the top three! 
- Reviews are accepted until 23:59 (UTC+0) of July 27th.


3 best reviews will get 20 USDT!

💸 30 prizes for 3 USDT will be raffled off among all authors who participated in the contest.

*All prizes will be awarded to the winners in REV tokens in their personal accounts.

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