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The Ultimate Guide to Refrigerator Filters - Types, Benefits, Brands, Replacement Tips, and More

The Ultimate Guide to Refrigerator Filters - Types, Benefits, Brands, Replacement Tips, and More

Benefits of Changing Refrigerator Filters Regularly

If you have a refrigerator with a water filter, it's important to change that filter regularly. Replacing refrigerator filters every 6 months provides several benefits that can improve your health, the taste of your water, and the performance of your appliance.

Improves Water Quality

Over time, refrigerator filters collect impurities from your water. This includes contaminants like:

  • Lead
  • Pesticides
  • Chlorine
  • Particulates
  • Bacteria

Fresh filters help remove these contaminants, providing cleaner, better tasting water from your refrigerator. This is especially important if you use unfiltered tap water in cooking, drinking, or making baby formula.

Enhances Flavor of Water and Ice

Along with filtering out impurities, refrigerator filters also improve the smell and taste of water and ice cubes. Over time, chlorine and minerals can cause undesirable odors and flavors. New filters help water taste fresher.

Maximizes Filtration Capacity

Refrigerator filters have a limited lifespan. The filtering medium inside the cartridge becomes saturated over the course of months. This reduces its capacity to remove contaminants. Replacing the filter restores the system to its full filtering potential.

Saves Money

It might seem counterintuitive, but new refrigerator filters can actually save you money. How?

  • Filters prevent scale buildup and sediment inside the appliance which can damage components.
  • Clean water keeps ice makers and water dispensers functioning properly, reducing repair costs.
  • Better-tasting water discourages the need to purchase bottled water.

Easy to Replace

Replacing refrigerator filters is a quick DIY project requiring no special tools or skills. Most simply twist out and the new cartridge twists back in. It's wise to give the system a quick flush after installing. Then you can enjoy 6 more months of filtered water.

Be sure to use replacement filters specified for your refrigerator model. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines on how often to change the filter—usually every 6 months. With regular replacement, you'll reap all the benefits of a refrigerator water filtration system.

Types of Refrigerator Filters - Their Pros and Cons

Refrigerator filters come in several different types, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The main options are carbon block filters, granulated activated carbon (GAC) filters, reverse osmosis filters, and specialty filters for lead removal.

Carbon Block Filters

Carbon block filters are very common and often used as the standard filters from major refrigerator brands. They contain a solid block of compressed carbon that traps contaminants.

  • Effective at removing chlorine for better taste and odor
  • Gets rid of particulates and sediments
  • Reduces lead, cysts, asbestos fibers, and more
  • Affordable price point around $50
  • Limited lifespan of 6 months
  • Does not reduce mineral contents like reverse osmosis filters

GAC Filters

GAC (granulated activated carbon) filters contain loose carbon granules. Water passes through the gaps between the particles.

  • Removes chlorine compounds, benzene, radon, and more
  • Often used as pre-filters for reverse osmosis systems
  • Long lifespan of 1 year
  • Not effective for lead or asbestos removal
  • Larger particles can get through theloose carbon granules
  • More expensive around $80

Reverse Osmosis Filters

Reverse osmosis (RO) filters force water through a semipermeable membrane to remove dissolved minerals and salts.

  • Removes up to 99% of contaminants and minerals
  • Highest filtration of any refrigerator filters
  • Improves water for those on low sodium diets
  • Very slow water production
  • Can waste 3-10 gallons for every purified gallon
  • Expensive at $150-300

Specialty Lead Removal Filters

These refrigerator filters use selective adsorption media designed to target lead removal.

  • Reduces lead amounts up to 150 times better than carbon filters
  • Also removes chlorine, particulates, asbestos, mercury, and more
  • Critical if lead pipes present
  • Only improves one specific contaminant
  • Premium price around $80-100

Consider your water quality, filtration needs, and budget when selecting the best refrigerator filter. Replace filters every 6-12 months for optimal performance.

How Often You Should Replace Refrigerator Filters

If your refrigerator has a water filter, replacing it regularly is essential to keep your water fresh and remove contaminants. But how often should you change the filter? Here are some guidelines.

Every 6 Months

Replacing refrigerator water filters every 6 months is the most common recommendation. Here's why this timeframe is ideal:

  • Most major brands like GE, Whirlpool, and LG cite 6 months as the filter lifespan.
  • Filters start becoming less effective at the 6 month mark as the media becomes saturated.
  • Important contaminants like lead, asbestos, chlorine, and particulates accumulate over time.
  • Water flow can begin to decrease noticeably around 6 months of use.

So for most households, sticking to a 6 month replacement schedule is prudent to maintain filtration and water flow.

Every Year

Though less common, some refrigerator brands specify yearly filter replacements. Reasons you may be able to stretch changes to annually include:

  • Using a high-end filter with a longer 1 year lifespan.
  • Having high-quality water with minimal impurities to filter out.
  • Not using unfiltered water for drinking or cooking.
  • A refrigerator with a built-in filter replacement reminder light.

Check with your owner's manual - if yearly replacements are approved, you may be able to safely go a full 12 months between changes.

Every 3-4 Months

For some households, it's best to change refrigerator filters more frequently than the standard 6 months. Consider a 3-4 month schedule if:

  • You have poor incoming water quality with high sediment or contaminant levels.
  • There are a high number of people in the home using the filtered water.
  • You have an older refrigerator prone to frequent breakdowns.
  • Immune compromised individuals are drinking the water.

In these cases, changing the filter more often helps compensate for the additional wear and tear.

After 1-2 Months of No Use

If you'll be away from home for an extended time, replace the filter when you return. Leaving stagnant water in the system breeds bacteria and microbial growth. It's best to put in a fresh cartridge after:

  • Returning from a 1-2 week vacation.
  • Coming back from seasonal trips of a month or more.
  • Reactivating a second home that's sat idle for weeks.

This refreshes the system after prolonged non-use.

Be diligent about tracking filter age and adhering to manufacturer specifications for replacement frequency. This ensures you consistently have access to contaminant-free water from the refrigerator.

Tips for Installing and Replacing Refrigerator Filters

Installing a new refrigerator filter or replacing an old one is usually a quick and simple process. Follow these tips to ensure proper filter setup and maintenance.

Choose the Right Filter

Always select a filter specifically designed for your make and model refrigerator. Filters differ in size, connectors, and flow rate. Using the wrong one can result in leaks or reduced performance. Consult your owner's manual if unsure.

Inspect the Old Filter

When removing the old filter, check its condition to gauge when you should replace the next one:

  • If it's deformed, replace sooner next time.
  • If it's still white, you can likely wait longer.
  • Note any cracks or material breakdown.

Prepare the New Cartridge

Before installing, inspect the new filter and lubricate any o-rings with a coating of clean water. This allows it to twist into place easier.

Run Water Through First

After the new cartridge clicks into place, dispense 2-3 gallons of water through the system to flush out any loose carbon particles. Water may sputter at first.

Allow Proper Contact Time

Let water stay in contact with the filter media for at least 5 minutes before using. This contact time allows proper water filtration.

Check for Leaks

Carefully examine around filter housing and connectors for any water leaks. Immediately turn water supply off if found.

Reset Filter Reminder

If your refrigerator has a replace filter light, reset it after installing the new cartridge. Refer to the user manual for reset instructions.

Maximize Filter Life

To optimize filter lifespan:

  • Change it at least every 6 months.
  • Keep the water supply valve fully open.
  • Minimize sediment by using a pre-filter.

Maintain Proper Flow

If water flow seems reduced, first try flushing the system. If issue persists, verify the filter is securely latched into the housing.

Watch Air Purge Cycles

It's normal for the refrigerator to go through periodic air purging cycles, so don't confuse this with a water leak.

With some basic maintenance practices, refrigerator filters can effectively supply clean, filtered water for 6 months or longer before needing replacement.

The Best Refrigerator Filters Brands to Consider

When it's time to replace your old refrigerator filter, choosing the right brand ensures optimal performance. Here are some of the top options to consider based on product quality and value.

GE Refrigerator Filters

As one of the largest appliance manufacturers, GE offers high-quality filters designed specifically for their refrigerators. Options include:

  • Standard GE SmartWater filters for lead and cyst removal.
  • Advanced GE XWF filters with longer 1 year lifespan.
  • Specialized GE GNSV filters to reduce pharmaceuticals.

GE filters range from $50-100 and are widely available both online and in home improvement stores.

Whirlpool Refrigerator Filters

Whirlpool is another leading brand that makes replacement filters for their refrigerator models. Choices include:

  • Whirlpool EveryDrop filters for standard 6 month use.
  • Whirlpool UKF filters for chlorine and odor reduction.
  • Whirlpool PUR filters certified to reduce up to 70 contaminants.

Whirlpool filters offer reliable performance for around $40-60 per filter cartridge.

LG Refrigerator Filters

LG gives options like:

  • Basic LG LT700P filters for sediment and chlorine removal.
  • Deluxe LG LT1000P filters for lead and asbestos reduction.
  • LG PUR filters to address pharmaceutical contaminants.

LG filters range from $30-50 with wide availability both online and at large retailers.

Frigidaire Refrigerator Filters

Frigidaire manufactures filters sized specifically for their refrigerator models including:

  • Standard FC100 compatible with mid-grade models.
  • Better FC200 with mesh filtration media.
  • Superior FC300 for premium Frigidaire appliances.

Expect to pay $25-60 based on the level of filtration offered.

EveryDrop by LG

This brand is designed by LG and fits most major refrigerator brands. Options include:

  • Basic EveryDrop by LG filters for sediment and chlorine.
  • EveryDrop by LG Ultra filters to also reduce lead.
  • EveryDrop Mineral Clear to add healthy minerals back.

EveryDrop filters range from $40-60 and are carried by many large retailers making them easy to find.

Stick with a top brand designed specifically for your refrigerator model. Compare pricing between retailers to find the best value.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Refrigerator Filter??

Using a refrigerator filter has several benefits, including:

  • Better quality water: Refrigerator water filters remove impurities from tap water, including heavy metals and contaminants from pesticides, to ensure safer drinking water.
  • Better taste: Refrigerator water filters are a cost-effective means of getting pure, fresh-tasting water. They remove chlorine from the water and create better-tasting water than the average tap water.
  • Lower cost: Refrigerator water filters are more cost-effective than buying bottled water. For example, some Samsung refrigerator filters can clean 500 gallons of water before they need to be replaced.
  • Less waste: Refrigerator water filters are more eco-friendly than buying bottled water because you can fill your own reusable cup or bottle.
  • Convenience: With filtered water from your refrigerator, you always have a supply of clean, cold water and ice whenever you want it. No more having to remember to pick up bottled water at the store or refilling a filtered pitcher such as a Britta after every drink.
  • Refrigerator Water Filter

    Refrigerator water filters offer several benefits, including:


  • Better quality water: Refrigerator water filters remove impurities from tap water, including heavy metals and contaminants from pesticides, to ensure safer drinking water.
  • Better taste: Refrigerator water filters remove chlorine from the water and create better-tasting water than the average tap water.
  • Lower cost: Refrigerator water filters are more cost-effective than buying bottled water. For example, some Samsung refrigerator filters can clean 500 gallons of water before they need to be replaced.
  • Less waste: Refrigerator water filters are more eco-friendly than buying bottled water because you can fill your own reusable cup or bottle.
  • Convenience: With filtered water from your refrigerator, you always have a supply of clean, cold water and ice whenever you want it.
  • Cons:

  • Limited effectiveness: Refrigerator water filters are not as comprehensive as other filter systems. They are effective at removing some contaminants, such as chlorine, but not others, such as arsenic, pharmaceuticals, and fluoride.
  • Maintenance: Refrigerator water filters need to be maintained and replaced regularly to ensure their effectiveness.
  • Limited lifespan: Refrigerator water filters have a limited lifespan and need to be replaced after a certain amount of use.

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