Hello everyone first. Let me introduce you to the blockchain game. The name of this vame is "Neon District". The full version of this game is not yet available, you can play the beta version of this game. I will write a little about this money-making game.
Compared to some games, we can say that the graphics of this game show very good, people very clean and colorful. The in-game accounting system is slower than mine, and faster than other reviewers, because my internet speed is low. You need to solve the basic information (logic) of the game, the assigments and bulgurs in the game take part in all the battles. We must develop the symbols used. Because as the character grow, so do their features. Once you have earned crypto in this game you can use two methods.
1. to improve your game.
2. they make a profit by selling your assets for crypto and you can transfer them to your wallet.
You can exchange for an ETH-721 based NFT coin. When it comes to the safety of this game, i do not think there is any danger. You can wake up this game in a web browser.
Hopefully, it will be better when a full version of this game comes out in the future, for example the graphics will be even better, you can play it on the desktop of the computer. I recommend that you play this game. The game is likely to come out next year.