Business Solution
Revain - powerful tool for your business
People tend to help others and share information
Revain is a platform where people share experiences about companies and products. No corrections or meddling allowed in reviews.

Sometimes a company offers a solution to a problem in a complicated, expensive or dangerous way.
Sometimes a business simply cannot understand the buyer.
Then people will definitely try to tell everyone about it.
Not only buyers, but also entrepreneurs should know about the good and bad in their business. Then they will do better and make less mistakes. Strengthen their pros and fix their cons.

Survey - your way to widgets
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No tampering with reviews
In order to prevent people from the temptation to erase inconvenient details, we use blockchain technology to save reviews from tampering.
Intellectual System at Revain
Why we need the Intellectual System
When searching for the desired product, people read a wide variety of reviews, many of which may be of low quality, i.e. contain swearing, spam, be uninformative or simply plagiarised. That is where Revain AI comes in. It evaluates reviews based on a large number of parameters and gives an assessment of the written text (e.g. sufficient length, the absence of swearing, insults etc.) and then filters out low quality ones.
How it works
The AI classifier of reviews is based on a training samples of more than 2 million different online reviews comprising:
- Reviews from Revain platform, which were manually marked as "useful" and "useless";
- Reviews of various product groups from big Amazon data set (markedas "useless");
- Data from relevant forums;
- Dataset of fake news (marked as "useless").

The number of reviews promotes your company up in the list of requests
Company reviews have a great importance for Google. The more reviews have your company in the internet, the higher your website on the searching results. Even if these reviews are located on other platforms.
Learn more on SEO BoostReviews will increase sales of your product
Reviews not only increase your credibility in the eyes of customers, but also increase the conversion rate on your site. After reading reviews of your products, people will visit your website to view it and, in the future, buy it.