
1 Review
AgCinect is a solution to analyze and store data from every segment of a farm. With data entered, provides the farmer with analytics, financials, and reports.

1 Review
AgriWebb is transforming global cattle and sheep production with farm management software that delivers profitability, provenance and sustainability across the supply chain. Focused on building software for livestock farmers, AgriWebb is Australia's market leader and is rapidly expanding across the globe in multiple markets including South Africa, Newβ¦
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1 Review
SourceTrace is a global leader in providing innovative mobile solution for sustainable agriculture and allied sectors such as Aquaculture, Plantation, & Forestry.

1 Review
GreenFingers Mobile is a mobile first Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) technology platform, to manage and finance large groups of smallholder farmers. Developed by a team of agricultural value chain experts, the platform easily adapts to different crop types and use cases. GreenFingers Mobile replaces pen and paper based systems with a digital platform toβ¦
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1 Review
Efficient entry of Income/Expenditure details, Farm Budget calculations, Online Banking Statement Download (BankLink), Co-op Statement Download, Integration with Kingswood Herd, Easy transfer of data over Cloud to Accountants PCs., Customer/Supplier Turnovers, Teagasc Profit Monitor Link, N.Ireland VAT requirements fully catered for, Optional Extrasβ¦
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1 Review
Mapgrower is a geo-referenced agricultural management platform that solves the problem of minimizing time in decision-making according to visual indicators that are the product of work management.
1 Review
LintraMax has a proven track record of simplifying plantation management, improving efficiency, reducing cost, and increasing productivity

1 Review
User-friendly software designed for recording and analysing animal tracking within an IR actimeter.

1 Review
AfiFarm is a herd management solution for dairies of any size that helps dairy managers make the best possible decisions. AfiFarm provides the most comprehensive and accurate real-time view of the herd, covering all essential aspects of dairy farm management.

1 Review
Cattle Fattening Records is designed from a practical point of view to record and analyze all aspects of a cattle fattening enterprise.

1 Review
PanAgro covers key processes supported by modern ERP systems. It improves operational efficiency, accuracy and cost effectiveness of core business activities through industry best practices.

1 Review
PickApp is an innovative system which measures worker output, and increases both productivity and the quality of your produce. Use PickApp and enjoy improved farm efficiency and significant savings.

1 Review
Beef Tracker is a Windows based feed management software program. Beef Tracker works in conjunction with the scales on your feed mixer wagon/truck and allows you to accurately and easily collect and manage feedlot nutrition.

1 Review
CattleLink is a user friendly herd management software platform designed for the management of beef cattle.

1 Review
The Spokane System is an agricultural ERP system for the grower, packer and shipper of agricultural products. Spokane Software develops platform-independent clients that take full advantage of the latest desktop technology and applications that utilize IBM Power Systems technology for reliability, performance, and ease of use.

1 Review
Wefarm is a global scalable technology startup doing cutting edge work on machine learning, but with a social mission at the heart of everything we do.

1 Review
BenguFarm is an all-in-one on-farm professional livestock and game/wildlife management software package.

1 Review
The Earthstream Platform automatically calibrates to micro-climates and begins transmitting data in real-time.