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🎨 chalkola multipack canvas panels - 20 pack for acrylic & oil painting - 5x7, 8x10, 9x12, 11x14 inch (5 each) - primed, acid free art canvas boards, 100% cotton logo
Revainrating 4.5 out of 5

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Value pack of 20 Canvases - This set of 20 painting canvases comes in a variety pack of four sizes - 5x7 canvas board, 8x10 canvas panel, 9x12 canvas, 11x14 canvas (5 of each size) - a perfect addition to your art supplies & paint supplies collection. Prepped and Primed, 100% Cotton white canvas set - These art canvases for painting are primed with 8 oz…

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🎨 chalkola paint canvases - (15 pack) 8x10 canvas panels for acrylic & oil painting - high-quality, primed, cotton art canvas boards - ideal for artists, adults & kids logo
Revainrating 4 out of 5

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8x10 Canvas Value Pack - Chalkola Set of 15 Bulk Canvases for painting in 8x10 inches is a perfect addition to your paint supplies collection. Prepped and Prime - 100% Cotton white canvas set - These art canvases for painting are primed with 8 oz. of acid-free titanium gesso. Every blank canvas for painting is ready to paint for your art needs. Sturdily…

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chalkola paint canvases: 25-piece square canvas panel multipack - various sizes - 100% cotton, primed, acid-free art boards for painting logo
Revainrating 5 out of 5

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Value pack of 25 Canvases - This set of 25 painting canvases comes in a variety pack of five sizes - 4x4 canvas, 6x6 canvas board, 8x8 canvas panels, 10x10 canvas, 12x12 canvas (5 of each size) - These square canvases for painting are perfect addition to your art supplies & paint supplies collection. Prepped and Primed, 100% Cotton white canvas set…

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