Getting your first Crypto card and seeing Spectrocoin EUR, it might not be the best option when you try to conserve money or try to be economical in your spending as this card charges different rates of fees and this fees are not fixed, instead they are mostly placed in percentages which can help drain a balance faster than usual. With the card being brandished as EUR card, it means users in the Euro trade zone gets to see a lower fee as compared to those using the card where EUR isn't the Mode of payment. For me to get my hands on this card, I had to sign up to the platform and after some little details in my profile section, I went ahead to see how I can order this card but was met with a disappointing message saying the card doesn't ship to my location. Even if this card does ships to my location, I wouldn't be using the card for long because if it's fees
This fees I try to hammer on are all outlayed on its main webpage and anyone can see it. Although I like the high daily limit on transactions the card placed in using. The card can be easily used via the Spectrocoin platform for recharging their crypto balances and then spending it via the card. With not many countries supported, many of us might not get to use this card