Technology is expanding and many crypto visa cards are being introduced by large companies in the crypto world. It hasn't been a long time since the Wirex GBP card was launched, so I can say it's almost new.
I don't like the design of the card because it is plastic and has a thin body so it can break. However, I liked its features.
We can buy many crypto currencies with price currencies. However, it is very sad that the fees we pay to make transactions from ATMs are very high.
As with other cards, it can be easily integrated by installing the application on our device from the website or application stores, entering our card information. Password change, account tracking and transfer transactions can be done with this application, but I think the features of the application are inadequate compared to others. After all, we do not need an application to do these operations, it needs to be more innovative.
The other thing that I like most and that I haven't seen before is that we can also have a virtual card, but I don't find it safe. Because as the name suggests, the virtual card. However, I think that there are very few transactions that can be made with this virtual card.
Finally, it has features that need some improvement, and in addition, fees need to be reduced a little. Because 0.8% of the overall fee seems too much for a crypto card.