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Revainrating 5 out of 5

Creating an account on ABCC is a straightforward process. From the home page…

Creating an account on ABCC is a straightforward process. From the home page, go to the upper right corner and select “Register.” You will see a prompt to enter your email address and create a password, confirm that password, then accept the Customer Agreement. Your password must be a minimum of eight characters and include numbers as well as both lowercase and uppercase letters. You should not use the same password you use for other platforms for security. Once you enter the information and click “Register Now,” you will be prompted to drag a slider to verify your action. At this point, ABCC will send you a verification email. Go to your email account, find the message, and follow the instructions to activate the account. This is as simple as clicking on “Verify Email.” Now, your account is fully activated, and you can log in whenever you want.

  • The exchange known as ABCC has an incentives that mines the exchange's coin (AT) for a percentage of a transaction fee. In essence making an exchange between ETH and XRP would cost a certain fee, and distribute the exchange's token (a token that collects 80% of trade fees and redistributes them to AT holders) to a plethora of traders. With a market cap of $1,000,000, the small size of market cap makes this a <$500 bet for me. So far it seems like the bear market is giving me some gems, however I went to their subreddit and was surprised at what I found.
  • ABCC Token (AT) is a native token of ABCC Exchange (ABCC). As a key component of its digital asset ecosystem, AT plays a critical role in building consensus and creating and sharing value in the community. AT is at the nexus of different stakeholders including ABCC, blockchain projects, retail and institutional investors, media and others in this digital asset ecosystem. Using AT, ABCC will integrate different stakeholders into one tightly integrated community, discovering and releasing value in a robust and sustainable way.

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