I think at first I should say that ATOMARS crypto exchange platform is one of the well-established stock exchange platforms.
I started to hear a lot of the name of the Seychelles country, a country I had not heard of before, because it recently hosted the establishment of many crypto brsa platforms. And I did research to understand why they were set up here.
Seychelles view cryptocurrencies from a softer and more positive perspective compared to many other countries. They do not set and implement the strict rules that countries like China do, which is an important and nice feature for these exchange platforms. Now I want to inform you a little bit about the ATOMARS stock exchange.
According to the information written in the ATOMARS platform Coinmarketcap, which was founded about 2 years ago in 2019, a platform with a daily transaction volume of approximately $ 50 million is a very large number compared to a platform established 2 years ago. Registering on the platform is very simple and very fast. It is not difficult to realize that they charge a certain amount of transaction fees in the transactions made, but I think they do not charge a huge amount of commission and I think this is a good step.
The platform is definitely a platform that you can try and take care of.