Digital exchange platform where the authorization of new listings is by means of a supernode partnership. It is possible to be a bokgo supernode owning the largest amount of bgg, after this you can postulate knowing that the applications are made every three months. By being able to list any cryptocurrency, you have twenty percent of the transaction fees related to the listed token as a profit. Although I generally do not find it tempting to receive tokens for the use of an exchange since in the opportunities that if you want to attract new users is not tempting since there are many platforms that offer transaction mining, this negotiation model is limited and time will be less tempting to use Bgogo. The level of security is trustworthy, fast registration. Personally I do not like exchanges that have an internal token because these can simply be used to keep afloat projects that have low liquidity and what they do is inflate the value without caring for users, but for now bgogo has been kept inside of good expectations of both use and growth in the market.