experienceExchanges and similar platform are constantly emerging everyday. With the attention crypto has drawn, a lot of getting into crypto investment, choices for exchange has been a major challenge as there are a lot to put into consideration. But what ever your choice is, it should be a lot favourable for you, in terms of charges, and cost. Though there is always a special offers by all these exchang
HBTC is very a very reputable company which gains all those good names within a short time. Through out my usage, I must point out some key things which I enjoyed them. These includes the deposits system and the trading features. The deposits with fiat to crypto was made simpified with the banxa. They allow easy deposits of fiat to crypto which makes investment on HBTC very one. It also has every trading features you would ever need. This includes limit, stop limit, margin, etc. There is also a reward system out in place, that is the referral. This gives you ability to earn 30% of from your referrals deposits and
The downside I see is the fact that there are only few pairs, and also the there no lot of fiats listed on the exchange, they also requires KYC to access some features. I believe it is under development and I believe it will soon meet everyone demand.