Bitbay is a crypto-currency exchange platform (based in Poland) that makes it easy for merchants to perform transactions in a safe and secure platform. It also enables them to trade in popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Eth, and Ltc. Since Bitbay is a popular platform the exchange platform boasts of more than 400 thousand active users making an impressive amount of about 1200 transactions per minute. No doubt, a lot of people trust the platform.
To make their services better for everyone, Bitbay, offers a wide range of options for the withdrawal and deposit aspect. It is possible to withdraw in crypto, and also deposit and withdraw in fiat currency.
To deposit you can simply make use of the following methods which includes, cryptocurrency wallets, bank transfer, and credit or debit cards. Bitbay is primarily web based with a simple interface to make it easier to use, but it does not have an app of its own yet it can be accessed through another app called the TabTrader app which is a kind of terminal for all major exchanges.
I can say there is much improvement to be made. Very soon, the platform might evolve to become much better and maybe even rival other bigger platforms as well.