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133 Review
42.5 Karma

Review on Bitfront by Benedict Patrick

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Bitfront is an online investment that offers the best resources possible.

Bitfront is a global digital asset exchange by LINE that offers you the best choice with a trusted platform for trading especially in terms of buy & sell leading digital currencies. It is becoming more interesting by offering users with 12.73% of any form of deposit. In other words for every deposit you initiate you get rewarded by 12% of all your total deposit. Bitfront went further to break down the rate of charges by 50% especially with users trading with USDT/USD curreny pairs.
BITFRONT has advanced the it platform resources with the inclusion of BTC, ETH, BCH, and LTC interest products to an existing USDT interest product. Deposit limits have been updated recently this is to prove how active the platform is growing.
With bitfront you get to Earn up to 12% in annual interest on your deposits through the Earn Interest service that has been provided for users on the platform.
More so, BITFRONT allows users to initiate payment via credit and Debit card purchase of cryptocurrency .
This initiative was expressly made possible via SIMPLEX,and with this users can now use their credit/debit cards to purchase cryptocurrencies. It also offers free launch promotion of 0% purchase fee today!

Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Bitfront happens to be an exchange platform similar to the bitflip in one way but both happens to be exchange platforms for carrying out exchange of different currency pairs. The bitfront is an highly intelligent project that supports and assist the exchange of more than different seven currency pairs which are most commonly available for this platform. That doesn't mean that the overall exchangeable currency pairs are just seven both this is certainly the value for the one that is most common.

Updated 3 years ago
Rating has not been changed

Over the years Huobi become a leading class for cryotocurrency exchange and owing to the fact that this exchange -Bitfront is now owned by the same investor,it is a clear picture that bitfront is aiming to become the world's most utilized and leading exchange which provides access from all over the globe for investors to trade,buy,sell , exchange, swap,create liquidation and even Farm any token of their choice and this is for sure what the entire crypto community has been waiting for. Thus, Bitfront is an online digital exchange that grants access for thousands of investors to communicate with unique trade expertise in a dynamic way.

  • It is trusted and reliable.
  • It has slashed the fee charged by 50% discount.
  • It offers diversified currency pairs for exchange.
  • It can be mobile durable at times.
  • There is none for this review.