bitclude is one of the crypto currency exchange where anyone can buy and sell Bitcoin and any other crypto currencies directly from the owner of the exchange. Anytime want to make any transaction of any exchange, I must accept the trems and conditions provide for the exchange operator
The bitclude has the best swaper. Trading fees is normally has a percentage of every value of the trade order. The bitclude fees is for takers is 0.30%. but the takers fees is above the global industry average for centralized exchange. And also exchange does not charge any fees for makers, because it promoting the liquidity at the exchange. In the bitclude you can withdrawal fees and they charge for any withdrawal fees of 0.0005BTC per BTC-withdrawal. It is easy to deposit the crypto currency, like flat currency. But is only through wire transfer but not credit or debit card. The bitclude has the security of every users funds