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Review on Coinbit by LUIS RIVERO R

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Coinbit is an exchange that has little more than a year focused on the Korean…

Coinbit is an exchange that has little more than a year focused on the Korean market, although it has been expanding, it still needs to be able to enternder a little more in the West since there are certain things that seem confusing to me at the moment of using it. Although I do not think about the KYC verification, since it leaves aside what is the essence of the blockchain but I think they are regulations of the market where it is located. Despite all this, it has kept growing and looking for new business opportunities for both developers and users.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Trading pairs are matched with the official currency of Korea.
To date is a really slow exchange, within the negotiation and placement of orders.
It has different associations with other exchanges.
In general this exchange is designed to be used in this Asian market, since it does not have striking features for other users since the negotiation with fiat on this platform is confusing.

  • Its trading system is available for both pc and an android application, which runs quite well. It has a large list of cryptocurrencies. It is relatively fast when processing transactions. The registration procedure is similar to that of other exhanges. It allows to use fiat money although it is only the official currency of Korea.
  • The exchange is Korean and is mostly for that sector, but to diversify its use in other countries should improve their translation into English or several languages, there are many things that remain in Korean and one is often confused. one of the ones that seemed strange to me was that exchange 1 and exchange 2, it is difficult to adapt to the way it is designed. It is necessary to make verification to be able to make withdrawals.

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