Centralized exchange, regulated by European standards but available in more than 193 countries, has six deposit methods using fiat money with different currencies, currently has more than 60 trading pairs and only 20 cryptocurrencies listed. Its ecosystem has market standards, two-factor authentication, secure key, and for the storage of assets, various types of encryption and most of the funds inaccessible in cold storage. It also has verifiable license.
The trading platform for exchanging different assets is easy to use, although the trading area is on the right hand side, however there are no problems in it since using it for a while can be adapted. Trading fees are on average those of the market only in some exceptions they are higher but only with fiat currency, the pairs and cryptocurrencies are average.
However, this exchange has limitations of use for investors from many countries, which makes its volume limited to take into account when registering as it could take a while.
Highly secure but you must sacrifice privacy.