Developed in 2018, it is an exchange that integrates various trading models in cryptocurrencies and derivatives, so that it allows the leverage of crypto assets of up to 100x, in which it also offers a guide on how derivatives trading works on the platform without any risk.
The liquidity and currency support that the exchange has are acceptable and moderate for long-term exchanges, so the futures trading it includes is very attractive, as are Swap exchanges with fixed interest rates.
The investors behind the exchange are cryptographic projects and foundations that have an excellent reputation in the commercial field of cryptocurrencies, so the handling of crypto within the exchange is very safe, also given the levels of cryptographic security it has and the remarkable performance. in handling transactions per seconds.
With the introduction of a trading robot, the number of users can increase in the exchange, since many of the amateur traders who are abundant acclaim this type of system, so the Delta exchange can generate a significant amount of volume since it also the business models it adds are very attractive.