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53 Review
149.5 Karma

Review on DragonEX by Alex Fed

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Dragonex can be in the top of exchanges with this approach. I like what they…

Dragonex can be in the top of exchanges with this approach. I like what they do (just solve problems with langueges and information about team) and I advise you to buy some DT tokens. And of course thank you for many giveaways.

Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
8 months ago I wrote that DragonEX doesn't have my native language and now they didn't add it again :))
But I still hold DT like a trader because this token looks promisingly for me. Since Nov.2, 2017 DT dividends distributed 52,070,774 USDT. Its a big money for this exchange and I think that this guys will show many good updates.

Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Wow, I told you that DragonEX has good suport and today I was convinced that It was a correct statement . Now DragonEX support has an account here! They wrote me "Thank you for your support. Currently, we support Chinese, English and Korean. Please stay tuned for more languages.". It’s cool when the exchange team analyzes the opinions of their users. Thank you for that!

And I'm waiting my language for translate :))

  • I like minimalist design of this exchange and interesting function when I can change the color of background to white and vice versa. I want to mark information blog on the website where you can read all news like announcement. The team have not bad support: when I had problems with registration on the website, I got an answer in 5 minutes. What else.. I really like exchange tokens as DT, Kucoin, etc, because It looks very interesting for users who use exchange: for example dividends. And I see that the team scrupulously choose cryptocurrency pairs
  • I wanna say that I'm not a native english speaker and good exhanges have many languages for translate. I think you can add some langueges: russian, german, etc. And I didnt find information about team, If I want to transfer, for example 5-10 bitcoins, I have to be sure who I transfer money

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November 29, 2019
Thank you for your support. Currently, we support Chinese, English and Korean. Please stay tuned for more languages. 谢谢您的支持. 我们不仅有中文界面,也有英文和韩文的界面。在以后会支持更多的语言,请敬请期待。