Ethfinex centralized cryptocurrency exchange that is secure, transparent and has good liquidity. It was said to have the best security and transperency and has supported many users with good trading volume. Ethfinex has been dead in 15th of July 2019 and it has been replaced with Bitfinex which is now used for trading by user's as we speak. The developers has a better standards for their platforms so they decided to close Ethfinex and open another exchange called Bitfinex
Instead of going for this project it is now advisable to use Bitfinex, more transperecy for it users to develope the standard of trading. Ethfinex has been dead along time Ago and it cannot be revived anymore. The information is clear it's just like an updating the platform to a great and more less stressed exchange
Note: Ethfinex has been closed there is no need of practicing any form of trading with this platform anymore