FDEX also known as Fshares DEx is a decentralised digital financial service platform founded by Fshares group via its DPOS + PBT merge mechanism. FDEX is set to build a decentralised cryptocurrency trading platform running on the principles of Transparency, security, cross chain trading and credibility
As an exchange it fastracks the full trading of Cryptocurrencies that can be tracked permanently a solution to the third party trust issues on transaction platforms.
FDEX is armed with the following featutures
1. Speed: Premised on its DPOS+ PBFT high performance which support side chain which enhances performance and forestalls performance bottleneck
2. Transparency: All transactions conducted on it are stored on the blockchain technology which makes it open source and untemperable
3. Safety: it aids P2P transactions on digital wallets which puts you in absolute control not your digital
Innovative trading: Users have access to trading quota and mining quota by pledging the FSC Frictionlessly
It supports many cryptocurrencies and facilitates cross chain transactions
Best part is your transacting generates mining rewards up to 110percent yearly.
Although new it is a good place to trade.