Coinbase pro is one of the best alternatives to buy and sell cryptocurrencies with fiat, since it offers us the possibility of making withdrawals in dollars and euros quickly and safely with certain limitations. One of the most active is its security in transactions as well as digital assets and fiat. For example, for an American dollar, it has an insurance against losses due to the current regulation, in fact these funds are not saved online, more than 98% of the assets of the users are disconnected from the Internet, avoiding possible capital flight. You can start trading with some limitations if you have not checked, has low fees. However, there are limitations regarding countries and areas where it operates, this would be one of the great reasons for its low growth. If you are from the United States and Europe, with some limitations in the second, you can use coinbase pro to start acquiring cryptocurrencies since you will have all the functionalities available, provided you make the personal verification, this exchange is aimed more at the public of these areas if you you find out of these I consider there are more attractive exchanges in benefits for the other users.