Intertradec is an available network for trading that brings support to a global community, but it is especially focused in giving support to trader from Brasil and neighbor countries. The main page is available in portuguese, it can be translated by using an official translator in the server we use as there is not way of changing the language of the page.
This exchange was created just to but and sell crypto and there just three tokens available. The tokens supported by this company are BTC, ETH, and LTC. The three of them receive the same support, and frequently good orders are executed. However, as you might see this service is pretty limited. It is just good when you are in a hurry and need a quick service where to buy or sell of those tokens.
There are good orders of sales, and based on the limit of tokens accepted, this platform offers good liquidity for traders. There is not volatility affecting the prices of coins. This market equally receives support from external providers to measure the value of its analytics.
The only issue I encountered is that this page haven't been updated for a long time. Since last year the team hasn't appear to revel new updates in the system.
NOTE: You can create an account there and meet the opportunities the company gives. I recommend to trade with little capital to avoid loses.