NeedyEx exchange is another cryptocurrency exchange that was launched in Italy in 2019. This exchange is barely two years old. NeedyEx exchange allows for the exchange of various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Bitcoincash, Waves, Epcoin, Tether, Litecoin, Zenad, PaperCoin. Over a long time NeedyEx has had a $0 24 hour trading volume and even a 0.00% daily change in price. I am very sure that this exchange doesnt exist any longer, currently registration is impossible as well logging in. Well, during its time as an active exchange it used to trade with fee as low as 0.18% which is a great indication that the exchange was liquid then. The exchange used to allow for staking, but with registration impossible how can all these features of the exchange be confirmed. User should just be careful of this exchange and shouldn't force the URL to open or use a VPN, this might not be good for your mobile device or desktop.