PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange for exchanging BEP20 tokens on Binance's smart chain. PancakeSwap uses an Automatic Market Maker (AMM) model in which users trade against a pool of liquidity. Such pools are filled with user funds. They contribute them to the pool, receiving liquidity provider (or LP) tokens in return. They can use these tokens to get their stake back, plus some of the trading fees.
PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange for exchanging BEP20 tokens. Are you familiar with SushiSwap? Then you will have no problem understanding PancakeSwap. Both are incredibly similar in design.
PancakeSwap is also driving an increase in traffic, users and gas charges that all contribute to the BSC ecosystem.
In addition to decentralized exchanges that use the AMM model to exchange BEP20 tokens. PancakeSwap also uses a gamification program that makes it unique compared to other competitors.
In terms of gamification, people can simply apply parts of the game to their model to motivate and delight users.
In addition, the token will be used not only for administration, exchange and farming.
A CAKE token is generated every 25 CAKEs per block. 30,000 blocks are generated per day, which means 750,000 CAKE.
The amount received will be distributed among the farmers by 60%, and the remaining 40% will go to CAKE cola.
Although the number of daily CAKES is born quite a lot, PancakeSwap has a coin-burning mechanism, so the inflation rate will not be high, so people do not worry that it will drop in price due to too many births.
Is PancakeSwap Safe?
PancakeSwap is a decentralized application (dapp) that interacts directly with smart contracts. Thus, if there is a bug in the code, there may be security issues.
But everyone can feel safe trading and farming on PancakeSwap because they are verified and tested by Certik.