Paritex is another cryptocurrency exchange that has been used by a little audience due to its mark of hybrid service to enter deposits in fiat money and convert them in cryptos. It receives two types of fiat currencies right now, but both are of great usage within the page. However, I decided to offer a short review of this company because they are a limited-service with short content to show. First of all, the design of this platform is automatic, it just redirects users to the dashboard in the exchange where are present the current transactions, and also the most traded tokens of the moment. It provides also a window to register on it and start trading, but everything happens in the same section. Secondly, it does not offer any type of informative support to know, at least, how is the mission of the companies, how are their policies established, and what can be offered for traders.
I think those issues might vary among user's needs, but in general, it does not work at all. I also consider the platform is from that way due to short management from its providers and developers. Practically, the only way of understanding how the company works is by entering the network and start trading on it. So, just and only users will know how are the trading processes, and how are fees established.
For me, this site is not very appropriate. It provides short content, overall. I cannot recommend it for users due to its low usage. It even has access to the security policies, which are really necessary because this is a place for trading and doing some good investments in cryptos.